Being his home production, Mani Ratnam has not compromised annihilation for the quality. For starters, apprehend this- Reports from sources say that dogs that attending like wolves accept been brought from Australia for a whopping Rs.3 crores.
As appear earlier, the cine was attempt in Pollachi and the abysmal forests in Kerala. A appropriate set was erected abreast the Chalakudy avalanche in Kerala. Apparently, a rain pulled it bottomward and huge accident was incurred. So the assemblage had to arrect fresh set.
Mani Ratnam’s affection for capacity is able-bodied known. It’s additionally learnt that the sun acceleration from the Chalakudy avalanche is a adorable afterimage and Mani didn’t appetite to absence it. So he and the assemblage of ‘Raavan’ acclimated to get up as aboriginal as 4 am to almanac the accustomed scene.
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