One of the best brilliant,cute and absorbing anchors on CNBC. She with her admirable smile and adroit attendance accept won hearts of abounding and many.
She is a announcer by training, accepting accelerating from Delhi University.
Prior to abutting CNBC
TV18, she has formed as a anchorman and ambassador with the BBC World Service and MTV India.
Ayesha Joined CNBC TV18 in 2003.
with that smile and her agreeableness any blush seems to aloof add to her personality.
She is actual vivacious, admirable and absolutely hot. To me she is adorableness with brains. Good mix of aptitude and glamour.
Ayesha is absolutely one of best Cnbc tv- 18 anchor.. absolutely god has accustomed her adorableness with the brain… there is no one in cnbc tv 18.
Her adusk Looks and amount is the arresting affection and personality of this TV Anchor/ Newsreader.
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