So, who’s the heroine? It’s none added than the South Indian hottie Anushka Shetty. And assumption what? South Indian cool amateur Nagarjuna will allotment the awning amplitude with our beautiful authority Thala. The film’s puja will be demography abode in mid July and the cutting is set to booty off in August.
Speaking to Ajithfans.com, Venkat Prabhu has announced about the highlighting affection of this blur adage that this will be absolutely altered Thala’s accomplished films and he has added affable dialogues – Ellarayo Pottu Semma Kalaai Kalaaipaaru. Hahahha! That’s article absolutely interesting, isn’t? and its a pacca bartering calligraphy with activity and comedy.
The blur is believed to be fabricated accompanying in Tamil and Telugu.
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