Car insurance policies

Hi dudes is a site to make car insurance policies. Here they are introducing some of the common types of car insurance policies. They are,
Additional coverage points, compulsory third party insurance, comprehensive power, third property cover, third party fire and theft cover. In additional coverage points they additionally added some features such as protected no claim bonus choice of repairer, and new car replacement. Compulsory third party insurance is also known as green slip insurance. It is more important for the registered driver of Australia members and it also includes passengers, other drives, cyclist, and pedestrians. Comprehensive power covers the replacement of your vehicle or cost of the repairs. It also helps you in cost of transportation cost, cost of emergency repairs, and damaged caused due to other drivers. In third party cover includes the damage that you have caused to another person vehicles and property. But it does not cover the damage cost of your own vehicle. For legal costs, substitute vehicle, claim service, little damage by uninsured drivers, and for legal costs the third party property cover will help you. Third party fire and theft cover policies includes the loss or damage of your car stolen and fire. Each insurance policy gives you more benefits, and features to save money on car insurance.


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